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Unusual Allergies

It’s mind-boggling how one person can be allergic to something as seemingly harmless as carrots or a puppy. But even more mind-boggling are strange allergies to something as important as water or one’s own child! From exercise to water to sexual intercourse, we take on a journey to the 10 most strangest allergies.


Unusual Allergies

It’s mind-boggling how one person can be allergic to something as seemingly harmless as carrots or a puppy. But even more mind-boggling are strange allergies to something as important as water or one’s own child! From exercise to water to sexual intercourse, we take on a journey to the 10 most strangest allergies.



Aquagenic urticarial is a rare condition affects only one in every 23 million individuals. A brief contact with water is so dangerous that even their own sweat and tears can cause them to break out in painful and itchy rashes that take hours to subside. Drinking water can cause the person’s throat to become inflamed and blistered. People who have aquagenic urticaria can only handle a minute of bathing and can only drink carbonated or distilled water.


A case peculiar to women, human seminal plasma hypersensitivity causes an itchy rash, welts and a burning sensation a few minutes after contact with male semen. In rare extreme cases, death may occur. Fortunately, for allergic individuals, the disorder can be corrected through desensitization wherein traces of seminal fluid are applied in increasing amounts every few minutes until her body becomes desensitized. Allergy shots may also be given.

Allergies to own child

Pemphigoid gestitionis is a rare condition which starts during the second or third trimester of pregnancy and extends to a few months after birthing. The mother suffers excruciating blisters on the tummy, which may extend to other areas in the upper torso. Their babies may also be born with a similar rash. The blisters usually disappear a few months after, but may leave unsightly dark scars.


People who are allergic to underwear are allergic to several fabrics that are normally used to create underwear, like polyester, latex and cotton. They often develop itchy rashes, red skin and even painful blisters when exposed to it. Find one that doesn’t use any of the offending fabrics.

Modern amenities like cars, mobile phones, microwave and cars

Electrosensitivity causes swollen membranes, headache, painful rashes and a runny nose when they come in close contact to objects that emit electromagnetic pulses. Some even report symptoms when visiting WiFi zones.

Cold temperatures

Just as people can suffer from heat sensitivity, there are also those who are hypersensitive to cold temperature. Exposure to cold food, balmy air or cold water can lead to itchy, swollen skin, and in more serious cases, collapse and death.


The hypersensitivity to pressure and touch, dermatographia or skin writing disease, is a condition where allergic responses like raised swollen bumps and itchy rashes are produced with the lightest of touch. Statistics reveal that between 2-5% of the global population is affected with this disorder.


If you experience debility, itchiness, breathing or swallowing difficulty, nausea and vomiting after exercising, break out in itchy, red welts or hives, you might be allergic to exercise. Exercise-induced anaphylaxis, affects about one in every 1,000 worldwide. It’s seen in people who are allergic to grapes, shellfish, wheat, hazelnut and some medicines. Attacks happen following an exercise activity after consumption of any of these foods. Sufferers may suddenly go into collapse, shock and eventually death, so an epinephrine shot is required at all times.


Solar urticaria is a rare condition where people break out in hives in certain parts of the body after exposure to sunlight. The UV rays emitted by the sun cause chemical alterations in skin cells, leading to allergic responses. While it’s common during summer and spring, those suffering from severe cases may also experience when cold.

Fruits that were harvested near birch

People allergic to birch tree may suffer allergies to certain fruits and vegetables including carrot, hazelnut, celery, apple, kiwi, pear and peaches, especially when they were planted near a birch tree. Known as cross-reactivity, the condition is seen to people with allergic rhinitis during the peak of seasonal allergies. Similarly, people who are allergic to ragweed may also be hypersensitive to accessory fruits like cucumber, zucchini, melon and banana




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